The Mandalorian Season Two Review *Spoilers*
The Mandalorian has come to an end until season 3. This season was full of action, excitement, and characters we love, but with that being said, season two wasn’t perfect. In this review I’m going to be talking about my opinion on each episode and the season as a whole. From here on out, expect spoilers
This review is going to be somewhat hard for me to write. Mostly because I’m reluctant to admit that the show is just okay. It’s treated like Breaking Bad, The Wire, or The Sopranos, but it isn’t really on that level. I’m going to show you a little chart to help explain how good The Mandalorian really is
Okay-The Mandalorian
The highest The Mandalorian has ever gone on this chart is “Good” and some episodes barely hold their “Okay” ranking. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy this show, but to me it feels more like they’re using The Mandalorian as a Segway to introduce other characters' stories rather than focusing on it’s own story. I guess what I’m saying is that The Mandalorian is more of a weekly showcase than an actual show.
Side note: It’s also very irritating that each episode is about finding someone, fighting them, becoming friends, beating the bad guy, then go find someone else. It’s practically a monster of the week show, and that really hurts it, especially if they continue that format in season 3
All of this being said, there were actually parts that I did enjoy, so let's get into that.
Chapter Nine: The Marshal: I’m not going to lie to you, this was my favorite episode of the entire season. I absolutely loved it. Cobb Vanth is probably my favorite thing to come out of this entire show. I can’t really stand that mechanic who tries to be funny, but other than that it was my favorite episode of the series.
Chapter Ten: The Passenger: This was definitely the worst episode of the season, but that doesn’t mean that I hated it. If the show was episodes, I probably would have enjoyed it, but having a filler episode in an eight episode season, didn’t really sit right with me. I think this episode slot could’ve been used better, but at the end of the day, it did have a cool spider scene.
Chapter Eleven: The Heiress: I don’t think this episode has anything that I actually enjoyed in it. Seeing Bo Katan was cool, but she has never been a character that I really care about. All in all, I probably would have preferred to see Sabine. I think it would’ve been better if Sabine and other Mandalorians were hunting the Dark Sabre FOR Bo Katan. She could’ve shown up at the end, but having her doing her own dirty work bugged me. How about helping your people Miss I’m the Heir of Mandolore.
Chapter Twelve: The Siege: This episode didn’t suck, but I didn’t really care for it. I like Carl Weathers and his character in the show, but Cara Dune is just terrible. I don’t enjoy her acting, she thinks she’s the shit, and she totally botched the character development that they were trying to give her with making her home Alderaan. This episode just wasn’t for me, and I personally blame Cara Dune.
Chapter Thirteen: The Jedi: Man, what a disappointing episode. Look, I like Ahsoka as much as anybody, but was I the only one who didn’t enjoy seeing her in this? I think Rosario Dawson looks good as Ahsoka, but she was so dry. Ahsoka is supposed to be a character who is serious, but also uplifting and fun. In this they only made her serious. I think Zach Snyder might’ve directed it. Oh! How could I forget to mention the fact that her lightsabring skills were terrible. She was slow on every swing and it felt like she just learned how to fight with them a week prior rather than thirty years ago. Two things that I want out of her spinoff is for them to bring her personality back and to work on her fight choreography.
Chapter Fourteen: The Tragedy: This episode may have been one of the few this season that progressed the plot in a significant way. Boba Fett came back and the child was stolen. My favorite thing that came out of this episode is we got to see the good side of Boba Fett. Of course we finally got to see him be a badass in canon, but we always knew he was a badass. We never knew that there was a side of Boba that wasn’t evil until this episode. I’m happy that for the remainder of the season he was a good guy (other than when we saw him as Boba the Hutt, but we’ll get to that).
Chapter Fifteen: The Believer: This episode was my second favorite episode of the season (and probably the series too). Bill Burr reprises his role as Mayfield from season one, but this time, it’s actually good. I hated the episode from last season where Mando teamed up with Shoulder Gun Pete, Tonks and Mr.Krabs. That episode was beyond cringey, and if I remember right, it took me two weeks to actually finish it. However, bringing Mayfield back for this episode was the right decision. I thought he was great. They gave him a heart, a personality, and a more interesting backstory. I guess what I’m saying is that they made Mayfield an actual character rather than a funny guy with guns. I would like to see him show up again. Hopefully we can see him team up with Cobb Vanth.
Chapter Sixteen: The Rescue: This episode was fine. I wouldn’t call it great, but fine. I liked watching Mando fight Gus Fring. It gave me Game of Thrones flashbacks. My favorite part of this episode is that we got to see something that can combat a lightsaber. I wish they would have incorporated that within the prequel trilogy. It would have been more interesting to see The Separatists fight with Beskar Armor and Weapons rather than lots and lots of droids. I know everyone freaked out over Luke Skywalker making an appearance, but I honestly felt like it was half assed. I get it was just a cameo, but they should have put in the time to cast a Luke Skywalker. I know that everything gets the Covid pass nowadays, but not this time. Not only do they have Sebastian Stan on the payroll, but they also have him in an upcoming Disney Plus show! I can understand that maybe they didn’t want to go through a casting call during a crisis, but this one should have been easy. Most Star Wars fans have already come to expect Stan as the new Luke Skywalker and this would have been the perfect place to announce his casting. The only real excuse is that he said no to the offer, but I kind of doubt that.
Best and Worst Part of Season Two:
Best: We got to see Mando develop his own personality as he strays from his creed of Mandalorians.
Worst: They should have made the last episode about Mando seeing where Luke is taking the child and coming to terms that this is what is best for him, but instead they had it the way they did. My guess is that was the original plan, but Covid got in the way, That’s probably why episode two was a filler episode.
I would give season two of The Mandalorian a 7/10. Sadly it is a weak 7. It’s probably closer to a 6/10. What did you think of this season?
Lastly I wanted to give my brief opinion on The Book of Boba Fett (or as it’s becoming known as Boba the Hutt) because it was announced after I wrote my article on the latest Star Wars release slate. (which you can also read on I don’t think that there is anything about this show that I know that you don’t. I’m pretty sure that Boba Fett is going to become a crime lord, which is pretty exciting. That’s nothing I never would have expected. I initially hoped that he and Maul would be at war with each other, but then I realized that Darth Maul is long dead. Like I said, there really isn’t anything I can say about this show. It’s in the time period that we don’t know anything about. The good news is though, I don’t think they would be doing this if they didn’t have a good story for Boba. I’m pretty sure we’re in for a wild ride.